Monday, June 18, 2007

Do you believe Chen Sui Bian had a golden opportunity to be a hero?

First, one must understand China doesn't really care if Taiwan claims independance. The authorities might say stuffs like "No external forces shall divide the Chinese lands, never!"

Does Taiwan had anything to do with China now? Nothing.

So why China is so trembled, or show themselves as hostile if ever Taiwan were to gain independance?

Yes, United States of America.

USA had already a Korean Military base, a very strong Japan based military, another military base in Turkey and don't forget Philippines and Hawaii.

And now, since Taiwan had a pact with the USA, that if they were to be attacked, USA will indefinitely use their forces.

What if Taiwan were to gain independance? What impact would China get?


But, if China were to just let go of Taiwan, USA would immediately give military aid to Taiwan, establish bases to 'protect' them against the evil communists.

China hates USA's intervention and their expanding of their influences in this region. That's why they say they wouldn't allow Taiwan for independance.

Why? Just imagine if USA cuts off oil/steel supply to China. Enough?

Hmm this seems like a chicken and egg question right?

China poses a threat to Taiwan if USA were to be present, and the reason USA are present is because China poses a threat.

So how would all of these relate to my topic?

Which in your humble opinion makes a greater importance to China?

Economy OR Taiwan ?

China wouldn't loose a single strand of hair on Taiwan if they were to declare independance, the thing China doesn't want is that the USA were to have another strategic location to base their influence, which would be a significant threat to China.

So again, what does that have anything to do with my topic?

Now we look at the things that are going to happen in 2008.

Beijing Olympic
USA Elections
Taiwan Elections

This is a very critical for Taiwan, I might even say the timing is so perfect, that if Chen Sui Bian, that idiot were to be even slightly more tactful, he can play this into a historic scene, changing his current CSB=Idiot status to CSB = National Founder.


Before we go into that, think of this: What does Malaysia had to do with USA?

Nothing right? But do the USA hate us or cut off ties with us? Nope. Very normal relationship.

So, the only way for this historical moment to happen lies on Chen Sui Bian's palm. Catch the timing right, his portrait would be in history text books for ages.

Travel to China, meet president Hu Jing Tao and then in a joint statement:

Taiwan will declare the scrapping of the pact with USA (That Taiwan will be defended at any cost if attacked.) Which is a good thing for USA since they would love to have a better relationship with China.

Hur? Declaring something as such at your 'perceived' enemy's stronghold? YES.

Do you think President Hu Jin Tao would go " Wow great! USA no longer needs to defend Taiwan, now i can send my armies to Taiwan and grab this nation back with my loaded torpedoes!" ?

Nope, he rather had a very good and successfull Beijing Olympic 2008.

So after scrapping that pact, CSB would then announced in a joint statement in Beijing with Hu Jin Tao that Taiwan will now be in ties with Beijing, with annual RMB 200 billion investment in Harbin or Shanghai - As a sovereignity nation.


Claim independance from China by reassuring China that Taiwan will remain normal relationship with USA (just like Malaysia), with this reassurance, Taiwan would be in better terms with China, and trades with USA would be as per normal as well.

Oh wait, would this move piss off USA?

Nope. Their elections will be in year 2008. Do you think they're free for all this bullshit with Afghanistan, Iraq ?

So what do Chen Sui Bian do then?

Yes, give monetary support to Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama or any idiot from Republican for their election campaigns, and to have a healthy and normal relationship.

China happy, USA happy, Taiwan happy.

So CSB, instead of spending useless money on nations that are birdshit small with anonymous, hard to spell names, why not do something like this? The region will be peacefull, China can dismantle their rockets aiming at Chinese (There's no race called Taiwanese, seriously.); USA can leave China and Taiwan alone and the region will prosper.

Chen Sui Bian - Legend.

But i guess he ain't as smart ass as I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why should China let go of Taiwan? I suggest, the CPC-concrete-heads will simply not let their grip slip if they can maintain it. Just for the sake of maintaining.